Technical details of CHAPTER005
[384 pages] 46x245x31mm, 2kgs
[Cover] rives gloss recycled tactile bright white 170g
[Cover strap] rives gloss recycled tactile bright white 120g
[Inlay] keaykolour 100% recycled snow particles 170g, keaykolour original 120g & 170g, keaykolour 100% recycled graphite 300g, cocoon silk 135g & 170, cyclus offset 115g & 140g, cyclus print 115 & 150
in collaboration with Antalis, Arjowiggins Creative Papers, Arjowiggins Graphic, & Comelli
[Box] 1.5mm laser-cut card using keaykolour 100% recycled graphite 120g with debossing
[Edition] 1500 hand-numbered copies / Rick Owens perfumed cashmere / 'Pattern mill' dvd by Paul Harnden & Stuart Pitkin
Published in September 2011

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