Born in 1980, Benjamin Graindorge is part of the young talented French designers scene. Graduated from ENSCI – les Ateliers in 2006, his 'paysage domestique' project has been supported by VIA (Valorisation de l’Innovation dans l’Ameublement). Benjamin has been selected two years in a row by the Design Parade Festival and won both Cinna & Audi Talents Awards in design category. In 2010, he collaborated with François Bauchet on Saint Etienne’s Biennale Internationale du Design scenography. In 2011, he made his first solo exhibition at YMER&MALTA gallery in Paris. Nowadays, Benjamin Graindorge works all the ways of design : Industrial design with Ligne Roset or Artuce, publishing design with Moustache, and research design with the gallery YMER&MALTA. An exploration of all the faces of design, to « keep discovering new landscapes and avoid boredom ».
All pictures credits Benjamin Graindorge