ldvc bothsides ring photography by arpa poonsriratt | S/TUDIO

ldvc bothsides ring photography by arpa poonsriratt | S/TUDIO

ldvc bothsides ring photography by arpa poonsriratt | S/TUDIO

ldvc bothsides ring photography by arpa poonsriratt | S/TUDIO

ldvc bothsides ring photography by arpa poonsriratt | S/TUDIO

ldvc bothsides ring photography by arpa poonsriratt | S/TUDIO

ldvc bothsides ring photography by arpa poonsriratt | S/TUDIO

ldvc bothsides ring photography by arpa poonsriratt | S/TUDIO

Distension and tension meet up in the rythmical pulse seemingly emerging straight from the silent harmony of architectural buildings as references of LDVC by Ludovico Lombardi's distressed flexion of shapes. 

Ludovico’s work experience as an architect under Arata Isozaki and with the Zaha Hadid group, where he currently works as a lead architect, as well as his boundary-less interest for design, pushed him to find an interaction between fashion, architecture and cutting-edge technology. Applying the finest softwares of generative design and 3D printing to the jewellery making, LDVC redefines the traditional concepts of beauty and human craft

The juxtaposition of natural structural systems against avant-garde patterns produces steel rings of complex morphologies as the Bothsides ring, which challenges multiple wearing possibilities creating a dynamic loop around the finger.

As the impeccable computational design implements the imperfection of human skills, the resulting artifacts react around the order and the disorder. The tension resides like in a physical law in the dual core of the jewellery, colliding on the wearer's body as final clash ground.

The LDVC jewellery collection for SOME/THINGS is exclusively available at the CONCEPT S/TORE

order online or visit our CONCEPT S/TORE 16 Villa Gaudelet 75011 Paris | only by appointment

Photography by Arpa Poonsriratt | S/TUDIO