SOME/DESIGN : Vincenzo de Cotiis - Progetto Domestico exhibition at L'Eclaireur Saint Ouen

progetto domestico by vincenzo de cotiis 

Trained at the Milan Poly­tech­nic, Vin­cenzo de Cotiis mar­ries the sense of space of an archi­tect with the sen­si­bil­ity to mate­ri­als of a plas­tic artist. He forges pure forms — either design objects, ambi­ences — by fol­low­ing an organic process which allows the final prod­uct to retain traces of the process. Touch is as impor­tant as sight, and gen­er­ates struc­tures and solutions.

Crys­talline, pure lines are charged with a new energy in the coun­ter­point of tex­tures and parts. Mate­ri­als – pre­cious, raw, some­times sal­vaged, always with intense evoca­tive power – char­ac­ter­ize every sin­gle project. Style results from the raw pre­ci­sion of the fin­ishes, from the unex­pected asso­ci­a­tions of parts, from a choice of faded colours that incor­po­rate the signs and scratches of time. De Cotiis esthetic is all about per­fect imperfection.

progetto domestico by vincenzo de cotiis 

progetto domestico by vincenzo de cotiis 

With Prog­etto Domes­tico, a series of limited-edition, non-duplicable fur­nish­ing pieces more akin to sculp­ture than design with a func­tional pur­pose, de Cotiis takes a step fur­ther into exper­i­men­tal design.

Prog­etto Domes­tico rein­ter­prets fur­nish­ings using mate­ri­als and sal­vaged parts that have been treated with exper­i­men­tal pro­ce­dures and tech­niques. This inter­pre­ta­tion goes beyond the lim­its of pure design and its obses­sion with lines, propos­ing a vision that is closer to con­tem­po­rary art than to design.

progetto domestico by vincenzo de cotiis 

progetto domestico by vincenzo de cotiis 

The unusual appear­ance of handtreated sur­faces with texture-effects on objects and mate­ri­als that char­ac­terise the pro­duc­tion of Prog­etto Domes­tico as recy­cled wood, fibre­glass, resin, leather, brass and iron, are true visual and tac­tile expe­ri­ences.  None of the Prog­etto Domestico’s shapes are sub­ject to the func­tion — they appear as poetic objects intended to the art of col­lect­ing and to the lim­ited edition.

Avail­able at L’Eclaireur Saint Ouen.