[LOCATION] The cultural context of my images is in the INSIDE— my feelings, my guts. The outside is just material, the visual material I use to articulate the emotions, the pains that I live.
[WOMAN] One of my first recurrent subjects was the female body. Looking for those images in art history was something of a search for pleasure and peace. BUT, the first time I really entered the subject of women was through the images of prostitutes in Bahia, in an old and decaying part of the city. those pictures were of women who had suffered, who had been scarred, yet were still able to laugh at their destiny of pain. their dignity was that of raped women, who are survivors. They are raped as is mother earth, who continues to always bear children. No matter how difficult it is to believe— there is always a future.
[BOXERS] There is this place where all kinds of people mix—crooks, policemen, prostitutes, old decaying men… Boxers are an essay on the fading masculine body & my own fading away. It is about TIME.

[Previously unpublished images by
as well as some words which we exchanged during several months of discussions working on his 22-page feature in